Noah's Death Legend

Old Testament, various Olive Legends. The Old Testament refers to the Prophet Noah and the flood. God, who sees people on the earth thoroughly out of the way and begins to plant the seeds of evil, will punish the people. God tells the Prophet to build a ship to Noah, and to keep this life after the flood, one of the clean animals shall be called a male one female, two male and female neighbors of every clean animal, and seven birds, male and female, from birds.
All the living creatures except the living creatures on the ship of Hz. Noah are destroyed by the waters. When the flood stopped, Prophet Noah delivered a pigeon out of the window of the house to see if life had returned to normal. The pigeon returns to the boat as the waters retreat and life is not returning to normal. Seven days later, when the pigeon is released again from the window, a newly cut olive returns to the mouth of the pigeon. Then it is understood that water is pulling on the earth and life is returning to normal.
The pigeon, the hope, and the peace that keep the olive branch in the mouth after that day will become the symbol of immortality, while the olive tree that can survive the life of the world, besides the destruction of the whole world and the living beings, becomes the symbol of immortality.
In the skies, olive oil is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Not only in the Old Testament but in all the divine books, the olive tree and his juice olive oil are symbols of all virtues. In these books, olive and olive oil is the symbol of the most important virtues and values of abundance, justice, pride, victory, prosperity, health, wisdom, sanctity, mind, purification and rebirth.
The judges book The olive legends in the Book of Judges writes that when the trees decided to choose a king for themselves, they first went to the olive tree, but the olive tree did not accept it, and that the trees had gone to fig and hanging. Fig and asman do not agree to be king at the end of the trees themselves to the king and the land chose the king and they accept it. In the book of judges the trees go to the olive tree and the answer of the olive tree goes like this. "Once the trees went to make a king of them, and they said to the olive tree:" Be king to us. And the olive tree said to them: "Do I let go of the oil that God and man have caused to you (yokedes) and shake on the trees?" And gives the trees "no" answer.